Mon & Thur 1-8, Tue / Wed / Fri 10-5, Sat 10-2, Sun Closed


Library will be CLOSED on Tuesday, March 25th

Our library computer system is getting an upgrade. The MORE catalog, etc. will also be offline for the day.

$40,000 Elevator Fund Challenge

Double your donation!  A mystery donor will match all donations up to $40,000. Look at our Elevator Project webpage or call 715-962-4334 for ways to donate.

Evening Story Time “Farm Animals”

A special “Farm Animal” themed evening Story Time on March 27th @ 6pm.

A flyer that says Story Time Wednesdays at 10am and 1 pm. March 1, Bluey and Friends. March 12, Farm Animals, March 19, Windy Day. March 26, Backyard Birds.

March Story Time Schedule

Join us for an hour of stories, crafts, and snacks every Wednesday at 10am and 1pm 🙂

Restoration Project

We love our library. There are improvements we’d like to better serve you. 

Browse New Titles

Click to request an item with your library card.

How can we help you?

Resources included with your library card.



From personal interest to educational research, BadgerLink provides Wisconsin residents with licensed trustworthy resources.  


eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines free with your library card!


Use the MORE Libraries app on an iOS or Android mobile device to find new titles, manage your account, plan your visit, and browse recommendations.

Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers

Start searching billions of records and discover your family’s story.